(and what to do instead to finally lose weight!)


In This Masterclass



Why past diets did not produce
long term results for you

Yes, this include the 'healthy' ones like Whole30 or intermittent fasting. There's ONE big reason they are setting you up for failure each time. I'll  share what it is & what to do instead to stop the cycle of frustration. 


Why counting calories & macros is a massive
waste of your energy & time

You do not need to become a food accountant to lose weight and reverse symptoms such as cravings, fatigue, irregular periods and acne. I'll share an alternative method my clients have been using for over a decade with amazing results!


How to boost your body's metabolism so you can lose weight and keep it off! 

Priming your body to lose weight is not just about WHAT you eat, it's also about WHEN and HOW you eat. Discovering how to time your meals wisely is a key aspect of PCOS weight loss that will set you up for long term success.

Are you ready to ditch diets & lose weight easily with PCOS?

Whether you've been recently diagnosed with PCOS or have been managing it for a while, you're likely tired of trying to lose weight with no results to show for your efforts.

I want to help you overcome this problem and show you the common mistakes to avoid on your journey. I'll also share what to do instead so you can see major improvements in your energy levels, fertility and metabolic health.

Join me for this free masterclass to discover how I've helped hundreds of women ditch diets, heal their most stubborn PCOS symptoms and finally manage weight without deprivation.

You can do this too!

"This method has been life changing in many ways for me... I have never seen success with hormone balance and my weight until now!"


Hey, I'm Dafna...

As a registered dietitian and a someone who's struggled with hormonal issues, I've made it my mission to help other women, just like you, balance hormones and feel their best physically & mentally using a non-diet approach.

Over the past 10 years, I've perfected a step-by-step protocol to help women with PCOS reverse both insulin resistance and inflammation and treat stubborn symptoms without feeling deprived or overwhelmed.

In this masterclass I'll be sharing the insights, strategies and specific steps that have helped my clients lose weight and boost energy using an easy-to-follow lifestyle that healed their relationship with food. No fads, strict rules or other BS. Just proven tips for a healthy lifestyle with PCOS.